Category: Video (Page 6 of 10)

Amazingly realistic body-painted animals

frog bodypainting by johannes stoetter

Fish bodypainting by johannes stoetter

Wolf bodypainting by johannes stoetter

chameleon bodypainting by johannes stoetter

Is it a frog, or is it 5 humans painted to look like a frog? Look closely in these animal photographs, and you may notice that they are not actually animals, but humans in incredible body-paint. Inspired by nature, musician and body-painting artist Johannes Stoetter creates amazingly detailed paintings of animals on the bodies of living models. Each of these take up to 8 hours of work to complete, but also need up to 5 months of planning. Unbelievable.

Check this ‘revealing’ video:

You can watch more detailed videos on his You Tube channel.

(thanks Vicky)


A humorous ad for Verizon with 4D digital effects

Conceptual marketing at its best. This is a humorous ad for Verizon’ new campaign “A Better Network” by advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy with the help of digital artist Albert Omoss. Omoss uses code to create software, and software to create visual art, that is, 4D surreal and psychedelic images and films, either for client projects or self-initiated experiments.

Another notable project by the same artist is the award-winning typographic title sequence for FITC Tokyo 2015.


Look Beyond Borders, a four-minute experiment

Psychologist Arthur Aron discovered that 4 minutes of looking into each other’s eyes can bring people closer. Using this discovery, Amnesty International decided to carry out a simple experiment, during which refugees and Europeans sat opposite each other and looked into each other’s eyes. The experiment was conducted in Berlin and the participants were ordinary people. Everything you see is real reactions and emotions. Beautiful.


Demystifying Beauty, an online Skillshare course

What do we mean by “beauty”? How can you bring beauty into your own work? Museum curators Ellen Lupton and Andrea Lipps take us for a 30-minute exploration on beauty, with this very interesting (and free) online Skillshare course, inspired by the recent exhibition Beauty—Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial! Just had a quick preview at the course and it looks very inspiring. And it’s only half an hour. And it’s free.

By the way, Ellen Lupton is a writer, curator, and graphic designer all in one. She is a curator of contemporary design at Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York City and director of the Graphic Design MFA program at Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore. So she knows what she is talking about…

A new Rembrandt created with 3D printers

New Rembrand with 3D printers

When you look closely, it looks like a classic Rembrandt painting that maybe you haven’t seen before. You can’t imagine it was actually created with 3D printers by a team of data analysts, developers and art historians.

The painting, called the “Next Rembrandt” was developed by the Amsterdam-based advertising agency J Walter Thompson for its client ING Bank. First they gathered data from all of Rembrandt’s paintings that were then analyzed with a unique software and facial recognition algorithm. Based on this data, new features were generated and a two-dimensional image of a person was created. The final painting was realized after the data was fed to a 3D printer, which released different layers of ink onto a canvas to recreate the painting texture similar to a real Rembrandt.

Watch the video to see how it was done, amazing!


That Coke ad

I just finished watching the final season of Mad Men yesterday and I had to share this Coke ad from 1971. I don’t want to spoil it, but whoever watched the series finale, knows what I am talking about.

The, so-called “Hilltop ad“, created by McCann Erickson, was one of the most popular ads ever created.

How to help every child fulfil their potential

“Praise your child explicitly for how capable they are of learning rather than telling them how smart they are.”

I am trying to remind myself to do this with my kids. I found this video really helpful and enlightening.

Dr. Carol Dweck, a researcher in motivation, personality and development, is one of the few talking about how to instill a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset. Her talk on this was recently turned into another beautifully animated RSA Short video.

Carol Dweck is also mentioned in a very interesting book I am reading at the moment: NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children. Lastlyrelevant article I happened to stumble upon recently, also mentioned Dweck and her work.

How graphic design production was

This is a trailer for the documentary, Graphic Means – now in post-production – that explores graphic design production of the 1950s through the 1990s.

Before the computers there was paste-up, scalpel and a lot of Letraset. As a person who remembers some of these tools, this film sounds like a nostalgia trip, but also reminds me how lucky I was, being able to learn and work with a desktop computer from the early beginning.

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